Whitehat Inbound Marketing Agency Blog

Boost Your Growth with An AI Consulting Company for SMEs

Written by Clwyd Probert | 25-08-2024

As a marketing head, especially for a UK-based company with less than £10M in revenue, you always look for that extra push. Maybe traditional marketing just isn't cutting it anymore. This is where AI consultancy services come in.  An AI consulting company can bridge the gap between wanting to utilize AI's immense capabilities and knowing where to begin. It's like having a seasoned guide helping you navigate the confusing world of AI, ensuring you invest your financial services wisely and efficiently. But with all the buzzwords and technical jargon surrounding AI, even seasoned professionals like you might hesitate.


Table of Contents:

What exactly are AI Consultancy Services?

It boils down to specialized expert advice about using AI and Machine Learning. Imagine getting a tailored roadmap for implementing these tools to grow your business. An AI consulting firm will assess your needs, determine where AI can be helpful, and create a custom plan for putting AI to work. They might even build AI tools or systems to get those processes up and running for your consulting company.

So, how Could AN AI Consulting Company help My business?

Imagine boosting productivity and cutting costs—two significant headaches for growing businesses. AI solutions like automation, predictive analytics, and tailored customer experiences can alleviate these pressures. AI consultancy services can take these ideas and mould them to your situation.

Real-world applications for a marketing head

  • Personalizing your marketing campaigns: Ever wish your messages could magically tailor themselves to every customer? AI can do that with targeted ads, personalized email sequences, and more. This leads to more engagement, less wasted marketing spending, and, hopefully, more sales. With Artificial Intelligence transforming growth roles, your company could achieve those targeted marketing campaigns with the guidance of an experienced AI consulting company.
  • Optimizing your content: AI consultancy services don’t just offer advice. Some, like Deeper Insights, go the extra mile by building algorithms and machine learning models specific to your needs using your datasets. Their tool, Skim Engine™, even gathers data from the web to expand your reach.
  • Predicting customer churn: AI can identify customers likely to abandon ship, allowing you to intervene with targeted retention offers or strategies before it's too late.
  • Making your data sing: Data, as we know, is gold, but only when it's singing. AI tools help unearth valuable patterns and insights buried in the daily information avalanches that businesses deal with. This data analysis can be precious for making better business decisions.
  • Building a kick-ass chatbot: Those little website helpers have come a long way. Advanced AI chatbots provide more accurate and helpful customer support, often taking care of routine issues and freeing up your team for more critical tasks. Many companies now use AI consultants to develop chatbot development strategies for their business.

Types of AI Consultancy Services

Let's say you want to bake a cake. But not just any cake—a three-tiered extravaganza for your biggest client's annual gala. Finding an AI consultancy is like finding that perfect bakery equipped with everything to bring your AI vision to life. Many types of AI consultancy services exist, such as generative AI, data science, and data engineering. Let's examine some of the AI solutions they can help you implement.

Strategy: Finding the "why"

Think of them as business strategists fluent in AI, helping you determine its viability for your growth. They work to understand what you’re trying to achieve with this technology. Their strategy development focuses on aligning your AI solutions with business goals. For example, they will work with you to understand if you need an AI chatbot or if AI integration services are right for your business. They may even recommend hiring an AI consultant or working with an AI consulting firm.

Implementation: The nitty-gritty "how."

Once you have a solid strategy, an implementation specialist guides you through its practical realities. You'll consider project planning, finding and choosing tools, setting up frameworks for managing data, and educating your staff. Implementation services help your business integrate and implement AI solutions effectively.

Support and maintenance: The cake isn't over when it comes out of the oven.

These firms offer support post-implementation. You'll receive help refining your AI solutions based on performance, resolving technical hiccups, and evolving the strategy. Many AI consulting firms provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure that your AI solutions continue to deliver value over time.

Ok, this all sounds fancy, but is it for MY company?

The Fortune 500 might seem like the usual suspects for this tech level. But guess what? Many AI consulting companies also work with businesses that don't exactly have a P&G-sized budget. And remember, you don't need a multi-million dollar operation to have real problems AI can solve. AI makes a lot of sense for companies that need help with supply chain issues.

AI consultancy could be that secret weapon for a small UK company focused on growth with a budget of roughly £8M. Even firms like LeewayHertz, boasting collaborations with giants like ESPN and Shell, have starting hourly rates as low as $25 [source]. As you can see, AI solutions are available at various price points.

But it’s essential to choose the exemplary service. Fabrics focus on affordable custom and offshore software development for businesses, specifically for AI consultancy, with offices in major Eastern European tech hubs [source]. Consider this if international talent within a tight budget is a priority. But make sure to clarify those all-important long-term goals so everyone’s on the same page from the beginning and there are no surprises during development.

How to choose an AI Consultancy: It's a bit like dating.

Just like you'd browse profiles or go on a few dates before committing the same thoughtfulness applies when choosing a consultant for something this important. There are a lot of AI consultants, so choosing the right one is an important decision. It's advisable to make sure you are speaking with a reputable firm.

Ask around and check out portfolios

Look at past projects and clients for expertise in your industry or a similar field. You wouldn't hire a pastry chef to cook your roast, right? The same principle applies here. If you are in the market for chatbot development, make sure you speak with a chatbot development company.

Consider their communication skills: Clear and simple is good.

The more complex a subject is, the more precise the explanation should be. Avoid consultants who hide behind technical mumbo-jumbo to impress you. Make sure you have a good understanding of their generative AI platform if they offer one.

Check references: AI might be new, but old-fashioned due diligence still counts.

Find out how other companies in a situation similar to yours felt about the services they received. This is where those real-world experiences come in handy. Case studies are also a great way to get a feel for an AI consultant's expertise.

Transparency is key

Be wary of firms reluctant to share their pricing or breakdown of how those consultancy fees are calculated. You’re looking for a partner, not someone shrouded in mystery. If they are not transparent, you may even want to consider hiring an AI consultant rather than working with a firm.



For growth-oriented marketing leaders of UK businesses like yours, AI consultancy services can be a valuable asset in your growth. They simplify the intricate world of AI, making it accessible even with limited resources. They also offer customized roadmaps for this transformative tech to solve specific challenges. Think of AI consultancies as guides and collaborators in making your data work harder, optimizing those campaigns, and boosting your brand’s success. Don't hesitate—this might be the year to dip your toes into AI's transformative waters with the experts' guidance.