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How To Attract More Visitors On My Website and Rank Better in Google

Written by Clwyd Probert | 19-09-2022

Attracting more website traffic and converting more leads are the biggest challenges for a company nowadays. Read below to know how to do it.


Your website is the key to build a relationship with people who may become contacts and customers in the future. A powerful tool to drag users into your site is to open a blog, because you can fascinate people who didn't look for your specif product, but who were searching for a topic related to your industry.

So, how to manage a blog in an effective way? And how to rank higher in Google and get more traffic? First of all, you should write educational contents: don't speak only about yourself. Secondly, There are 4 key steps to triumph.

1. Find your linkreators.

Two of the most important ranking factors for Google are relevancy and authority. In order to build relevancy, you need to create compelling and unique blog posts, thorough ones. For this step, look at point n.3.

On the other hand, authority is all about finding people who links back at your website, so that Google could understand that your content is valuable in users' opinion. How to discover your linkreators? Here is the process crafted by Brian Dean, founder of Backlinko.

  • Search for a broad keyword (connected to your industry) in Google and see which are the blogs, newspaper articles or similar that appear in the first page. People who wrote these articles are your linkreators: they have a website (or usually publish their stuff on it) and are interested in your business.
  • Analyse blogs and articles you found with tools like Ahrefs, Moz or Majestic, to see who linked back to them: they are linkreators as well.
  • On Google look for "Best of [topic]" blog posts. These kind of articles usually are full of interesting sites who could possibly link to you.


2. Identify profitable topics and keywords.

Ranking for the right or wrong keywords will definitely make or break your website. Long ago a good strategy was to find a long-tail keyword for the topic you want to write about, however it's no more like this: with the new Hummingbird algorithm, Google can match related keywords and can easily rank your content for all this bunch of keywords.

So what KW is better to use? You should follow this procedure in order to figure it out:

  • Brainstorm a list of specific topics that you can blog about. Let's think, for example: what are your competitors talking about? What do your buyer personas need help with? But be careful: the topics you choose should be alluring for your linkcreators too.
  • For each topic, check out the structure of a single pillar page and some associated blog posts.
  • Make a keyword research. You can use Google tools like Trends or Keyword Planner (but also other platform like Ahrefs or Moz) in order to find related keywords. Pay attention to the volume search as well.
  • Put the keyword you've chosen inside your article (headline, subheaders, copy, images, tags, URL and metadescription).



3. Write the best content ever.

If you want your content to stand out from the rest of the web, you will need to make sure you are publishing content that is more detailed, is better researched, and provides more value than what is already available.

Derek Halpern from Social Triggers said: "Content is vital and anything less than your best work isn't good enough".

There are literally dozen of different "sample" and blog post types you can take as a model. I'll show you some of them:

  • Infographics (they are very successful on the web).
  • Videos.
  • Interactive contents.
  • Go-to guides.
  • Books and products reviews.
  • Interviews with an expert.
  • How-to articles.
  • Lists (aka "Best of" articles).
  • Ebooks.
  • Case studies.
  • Podcasts.
  • Researches and original data.
  • Long form contents (pillar pages).


4. Promote your content.

The promotional step is the hardest one, but also the most crucial. Putting the link of your brand-new post on LinkedIn and Twitter is not enough. Derek Helpern suggests that you should spend only 20% of your time creating content, and 80% of your time promoting it (he called it "The 20/80 Rule").

But how to boost your content in the most efficient way?

Brian Dean from Backlinko recommends to use 3 different techniques:

1) Ask for feedback. Whit this method, instead of begging people for a share or a backlink, you request feedbacks from experts in that field: they will be happy to be recognized as adepts and to share your content if it's relevant.

2) Catch up people who shared similar contents. Surf the Internet, go on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and other social media channels in order to find people who liked analogous posts. After that, send them an email talking about your new piece of content.

3) Look at the forums. Forums usually are plenty of people interest in some topics. The best way to interact with these users, however, is not by spamming your content in that forum, but adding value to existent conversations or creating new ones. Just when you are perceived as a skillful member, you can start posting something from your blog or website (but not too much).

And remember: don't be pushy and always ask the permission before sending out your links.

That's all! Now you can attract more visitors on your website and get higher on Google!

Need help? Contact us through:

Phone: +44 20 8834 4795

Email: clwyd@whitehat-seo.co.uk


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