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How Can I Optimise My Website For Conversions?

A conversion is when visitors to your website complete an action that you want them to take. 


Conversions mean more possibilities to get people to buy from you. Enticing visitors to download your eBook, sign up for your newsletter, consult your pricing page or make an e-commerce purchase could mean a lot to you. But you will succeed in this purpose only if you have a website optimised for conversions. 

How to build it? Take care of some aspects of your website, like the website design, copywriting, and the ability to address the right people in a personal way. 

Let's see the process step by step.

1. The CRO (Conversion Rate Optimisation): A/B tests and MVT.

Conversion Rate Optimisation is the practice of continually improving your website or landing page's ability to convert visitors into leads or customers. The only way to succeed in it is to test the elements of your website (i.e. calls-to-action, headlines, colours, copy etc.) and gather data about the results.

That's why running A/B tests and Multivariate tests (MVTs) is crucial. You can run these experiments directly on Google Analytics, or through tools like Visual Website Optimise. Thanks to an A/B test, half of your visitors would see version A and half would see version B. Otherwise, an MVT allows you to essentially run multiple A/B tests simultaneously. 

After gathering enough data, you can see which version is the best one and use it to get more conversions.



2. Conversion-centered design (CCD).

If you want your website to be sticky, it should be designed including visual cues and psychological triggers to catch visitors' attention. In particular, there are 6 principles of CCD:

1) Attention. In order to retain your visitors on the page they are reading, you should be careful to not overwhelm them with too much information all together. Remember 1 page, 1 goal. 

2) Clarity. When somebody enters your website, he/she should immediately understand what's your business about, what you are offering and what is the next step to take in order to grab your products/services.

3) Credibility. Dan Tyre from HubSpot says that people don't buy anything from a company if they do not trust it. Obviously, credibility concerns the general reputation of a brand, but it should be built through the website as well. So be sure to include at least the following elements:

  • Positive customers' testimonies (social proofs).
  • Privacy policies (be careful with the GDPR).
  • Social share buttons.
  • A list of important customers you already have.

4) Congruence. It is crucial to align every page on your website and adjust them with your specific campaign goal.

5) Continuance. Remember to always ask your visitor to take a step further, to take a decision, in order to continue his/her journey. How to do this? With a call-to-action.

6) Urgency and scarcity. If you want your potential customers to make a decision, show them limited time and limited offers: it's a psychological trigger that sales and marketing have been used for decades.



3. Conversion-focused copywriting.

Using the right words to address people can make a big difference in your communication strategy. For example, Joanna Wiebe from CopyHackers gives some suggestions about headlines you'd better put into practice:

  • Write headlines that match the visitor's expectations.
  • Communicated in an easy-to-understand language.
  • Make clear what's the benefit of reading your website page.

SEO wizard Brian Dean is a long-standing copywriter. After tons of attempts, he recommends: 

  • Write a sticky introduction to avoid people bouncing back to the search engine.
  • At the beginning of the introduction, point out what your content is about exactly.
  • Simplify the text (the smooth, the better).
  • Insert subheadings and bullet points to make the content easier to read.
  • Make your blog posts longer. It could sound strange, but longer articles rank better on Google and increase the dwell time of every visit.
  • Proofread your content and be sure there are no typos in the copy (differently visitors could think you're not running a business in a professional way).



4. Contextual marketing.

Contextual marketing is an online marketing model in which a website provides people with targeted content based on who they are and what they've searched before (i.e. analyzing recent browsing behaviours or their stage in the buyer's journey etc.).

HubSpot offers you advanced personalisation, the platform allows you to show different contents on your website:

  • For first-time visitors, based on country, languages, device types (tablet, mobile phone or laptop) and referral sources (that is the way they found your site).
  • For former leads, based on the buyer's journey.

That's it! Now you know how to optimize your conversion rate! 

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