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Best Pay-Per-Click Management Companies in the UK


Pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns are one of the most efficient marketing strategies to employ. However, dealing with search engine ad algorithms makes it more difficult to get your advertisements seen by your targeted audience. This is why pay per click advertising can make sense.

Without knowing the best content and marketing strategies, the likelihood your PPCs are seen by the right people at the right time is severely diminished.

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Fortunately, pay-per-click management companies are your greatest advantage when optimising your campaigns. In the UK, the best PPC marketing companies have years of experience and knowledge of search engine and social media platforms to get you to the top.

From increasing conversion rates to making the most of your ad spend, the best pay-per-click agencies in the UK work with you to make sure your PPC ads are giving you the greatest possible return on investment.

Read on to discover some of the best pay-per-click management companies serving businesses like yours around the United Kingdom.

4 Outstanding UK-based PPC Management Companies

Impression Digital


Impression Digital is a PPC agency recognised for their data-driven insights and creative strategies to create campaigns tailored to your goals and personalised for your audience. They have been recognised with several accolades including Best Small PPC Agency in the European Search Awards, which means they offer only the best marketing services for you. This pay-per-click marketing company is experienced in both search and social platforms, giving you an edge over competitors in numerous areas of the web.

One of Impression Digital’s strong suits is working with Google AdWords. As a premier Google Partner, this PPC agency is acknowledged by Google to provide quality service for all clients.

Years of experience have allowed Impression Digital to understand how Google Ads works, and they will also invest the time to understand your needs in order to create a marketing strategy that fulfils and exceeds them.

As a Google Partner, Impression Digital also provides excellent service in Google Search, Shopping and Display campaigns. This vast expertise allows their marketers to find methods and promising campaign strategies that best advance your business. 

When optimising your Google Ads, Impression targets your audience through strategies such as:

  • Location targeting
  • Remarketing
  • Keyword optimisation

Tailored advertisements based on data collected through these methods allow you to focus on people who are more likely to be interested in your business and convert. Integrating these techniques means you don't waste time and money guessing who to advertise to.

Working with Impression Digital provides you with insight as to where your best conversion and business opportunities lie. You can then invest in additional marketing strategies that return the results you strive for.


Absolute Digital Media


Absolute Digital Media integrates advanced technology with their innovative mindsets to bring you maximum campaign success. With experience across many search platforms, such as Google and Amazon, and social media platforms, such as Pinterest and LinkedIn, your audience gets exposure to your business through various mediums.

When working with the PPC agency your campaigns are always in your control. Absolute Digital Media provides the resources and expertise needed to execute them. Whether you need a brand new campaign to kickstart your business or a redesigned advert to better suit your needs, this pay-per-click management company ensures you are constantly progressing. Also, with their marketing analysis methods, you can be confident that you are utilising the right campaigns on the best platforms to appeal to your target audience.

Absolute Digital Media’s PPC services assist you throughout the entire customer journey for your business. As one of the best pay-per-click management companies, this PPC agency performs keyword research to identify your most promising keywords to connect you to your desired audience. Not only that, the PPC management experts know how to tailor campaigns that speak to individuals and give them what they want through engaging ads. Doing so drastically increases traffic to your site.

However, their service does not stop there. Absolute Digital Media’s team also consists of designers who help create optimised landing pages to convert internet users into potential customers and potential customers into loyal supporters. The team takes time to understand the mindset of your potential customers in order to increase conversion rates while minimising marketing spend. 

After establishing solid PPC campaigns, Absolute Digital Media provides you with monthly reports and analytics about your advertisements. These features keep you updated on the progress of your marketing strategy. If certain techniques fail to bring in the numbers you expect, you can work with the PPC team to make needed adjustments where you see fit to achieve your evolved goals. The prioritisation of you and your business can be seen through Absolute Digital Media’s work ethic and services that are known to keep you ahead of your competition.

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PPC Geeks


The team at PPC Geeks are Google Ads specialists. With more than 15 years of experience, they know the ins and outs of the web's most popular PPC advertising system and have developed the expertise to make the most out of your ad spend. You can reach new customers that are of value to your business rather than concentrating your PPC campaigns in areas with less promise.

With their AdWords analyses, you can:

  • visualise the progress of your campaigns
  • understand what methods work and what do not
  • make appropriate changes to the strategies that fall short

With PPC Geeks, you can abandon methods that do not appeal to your audience and that ultimately drain your financial resources. In addition to their AdWords analyses, PPC Geeks’ free audits give you the opportunity to understand how your business is viewed by searchers and where your business stands amongst competing companies. This provides insight into your strengths and weaknesses so you can fully optimise your campaigns with the PPC agency.

When partnering with PPC Geeks, your AdWords account is supported not only by PPC experts but also by a whole team of marketing specialists. Website designers, copywriters, and data analysts are some of the professionals who will ensure your campaigns are fully optimised and successful in your terms.

They perform the needed research and testing, such as keyword optimisation and split testing, to ensure you are presented in the right light for your targeted audience through AdWords. PPC Geeks believe in optimising your entire marketing strategy in order for your PPC campaigns to bring in and encourage the most conversions.

The experts at PPC Geeks manage your accounts daily to ensure your campaigns continuously bring in potential customers so not a day goes to waste. Because businesses change over time and consumer demands fluctuate, this pay-per-click management company monitors your campaigns and suggests crucial adjustments needed to maintain relevant, informative and compelling adverts.

You can depend on them to formulate marketing strategies that increase conversions with no stress to you. With PPC Geeks, concentrate on your business’s operations while PPC professionals bring the people in for you.


Genie Crawl


From Google Ads to Facebook advertisements, Genie Crawl provides full PPC services to attract your audience to your business. To increase traffic to your site, experts at this pay-per-click management company practice keyword and customer research in order to formulate the best PPC campaign for you. With in-depth keyword analyses for example, you can determine the most relevant and popular keywords that will benefit your business.

By studying and understanding search engines, the team at Genie Crawl know how to optimise keywords and beat advert placement algorithms by search engines like Google. This ensures your adverts are seen by potential customers who are given exactly what they are looking for.

In order to persuade prospects to look into your business, quality advertisements are necessary and the team at Genie Crawl will provide just that. This PPC marketing company designs adverts and tests each one to see which is most effective so you can allocate your budget wisely. This method also allows them to understand the type of campaign most suitable for your audience and how to take advantage of those insights.

Furthermore, Genie Crawl PPC experts can help design landing pages for greater traffic and more promising conversion rates. Their constant monitoring of your campaign will ensure that poorer performing campaigns are improved and your overall traffic, conversions and ROI improve significantly over time. Genie Crawl’s marketing strategy allows you to increase your brand visibility through search platforms which only bring greater traffic to your business.

As a newer PPC agency and one of the best PPC marketing companies, Genie Crawl also provides modern marketing techniques for clients. One of the increasingly popular marketing strategies is through social media platforms. The team at Genie Crawl takes advantage of the largest social network – Facebook.

Because Facebook provides user data, such as interests and geographical location, the PPC agency takes advantage of these features to target your desired audience. Knowing users and their behaviour patterns allows your adverts to be seen by the right people.

In addition to exposure to the right people, Genie Crawl designs quality and competitive advertisements so you can rise above competing adverts. To keep up with trends, this pay-per-click marketing agency’s full PPC service also includes formulating a mobile marketing strategy to increase mobile conversions as this is where many customers will be coming from. Keeping up with trends through advert content and platforms allows Genie Crawl to increase awareness of your brand through popular social platforms which keeps your business relevant.

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Those are four outstanding  PPC management companies we recommend in the UK. If you want to find out more about pay-per-click advertising or what we at Whitehat can do for your business click here.

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