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Growth Hacks HubSpot: Strategies for Small Business Success

Written by Clwyd Probert | 27-05-2023

Picture this: you're the head of marketing for a small company, tasked with achieving significant growth using HubSpot.

You've heard about the impressive results that other businesses have achieved through growth hacking strategies and tools. But how can you replicate their success?

In this blog post, we'll dive deep into some powerful Growth Hacks HubSpot methodologies to help your company grow quickly and efficiently. We'll explore four key areas: Category Creation, Investing in Customer Happiness, Embracing Product-Led Growth, and Obsessing Over Distribution Channels.

Get ready to learn from the best practices employed by successful growth hackers who've mastered these techniques – and put your business on the fast track to market domination.

Table of Contents:





Category Creation: HubSpot's Game-Changing Growth Hack

Let's dive right in.

HubSpot, a billion-dollar company today, started with an ingenious growth hack - category creation.

This approach disrupted the status quo and attracted early adopters who shared their vision for change.

Disrupting the Status Quo with Innovative Solutions

To be successful, one must not only possess an excellent product or service but also create something entirely novel to capture people's attention.

You need to create something entirely new that people can rally behind - this is where category creation comes into play.

Inbound marketing, HubSpot's brainchild, was born out of this concept - focusing on attracting customers through valuable content rather than interruptive advertising methods like cold calling or direct mail campaigns.

Attracting Early Adopters by Offering an Improved Product

To win over those crucial early adopters, you must offer them something better than what they're currently using; something that solves their pain points effectively and efficiently.

offers insights on how you can achieve this goal.

By creating a new category and focusing on its growth, HubSpot was able to attract those crucial first customers who believed in their vision and helped spread the word about inbound marketing.

Investing in Customer Happiness: The Flywheel Effect

Moving on to another powerful growth hack - investing in customer happiness through net promoter score (NPS).

This approach turns customers into loyal fans who drive word-of-mouth marketing for your business - essential for B2B companies like HubSpot.

Increasing NPS Through Continuous Improvement Efforts

To boost your NPS, focus on research and development that will improve product quality and user experience.

provides valuable tips on how you can achieve this.

Investing in Customer Happiness: The Secret Sauce for Business Growth

When it comes to achieving explosive growth like HubSpot, the second crucial ingredient is investing in customer happiness.

No, I'm not just suggesting offering gratuities and presents (even though they're pleasant gestures).

I mean going above and beyond to ensure your customers have an exceptional experience with your product or service—every single time.

Increasing NPS through Continuous Improvement Efforts

You might be wondering what Net Promoter Score (NPS) has to do with all this.

NPS is a simple yet powerful metric that measures how likely customers are to recommend your company to others on a scale of 0-10.

The higher the score, the more satisfied and loyal they are—which translates into word-of-mouth marketing gold.

  1. Analyze customer feedback regularly. Understand their pain points and work relentlessly towards addressing them.
  2. Incorporate user testing into your development process so you can identify potential issues before they become major problems for customers.

Building Loyalty Among Customers with Exceptional Service

Maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction isn't just about having a great product—it also involves providing top-notch support when things go awry.

  • Create a dedicated team focused solely on delivering outstanding service across various channels such as email, live chat, phone calls or even social media platforms if that's where your customers are.
  • Invest in training and empowering your support team to make decisions that prioritize customer happiness over short-term gains.

Remember, happy customers become loyal fans who not only stick around but also spread the word about your brand—creating a powerful flywheel effect that propels business growth.

Eager for more insights on building loyalty? Check out this Harvard Business Review article.

Embracing Product-Led Growth: Let Your Product Do the Talking

Moving on to our third growth hack inspired by HubSpot: product-led growth (PLG).

In essence, PLG is all about letting potential users try before they buy—giving them hands-on experience with your solution so they can see its value firsthand.

Offering Free Trials or Freemium Models for User Acquisition

The idea here is simple:

  1. Create a free trial or freemium version of your product that allows users to test-drive its features without committing financially upfront.
  2. This approach helps build trust and confidence among prospects while simultaneously lowering barriers to entry.

Enhancing Confidence Through Hands-On Experience

Giving prospects a firsthand look at your product can be a powerful tool for demonstrating its value and helping them make an informed decision.

  • Leverage user feedback from trials or freemium models to identify areas where you can improve upon their experience.
  • Ensure that the onboarding process is smooth and user-friendly, providing ample resources such as tutorials, guides or even personalized support to help them get started.

In a nutshell, when customers can apply your solution directly to their problem without any financial risk upfront, they're more likely to become long-term paying clients—driving retention rates higher and fueling sustainable growth for your business.

Looking for more PLG insights? Dive into this comprehensive resource by ProductLed.

Embracing Product-Led Growth: Let Your Customers Try Before They Buy

Let's delve into the details.

Product-led growth is a powerful strategy that has propelled HubSpot to new heights, and it can work wonders for your business too.

But first, what exactly does "product-led growth" mean?

Obsessing Over Distribution Channels: The Secret Sauce for Maximum Exposure

Before I reveal the ultimate strategy that helped HubSpot skyrocket its growth, let me give you a quick overview of why distribution channels are crucial for your business's success.

To be successful, businesses must not only create a great product or service but also make sure it reaches the largest possible audience.

And this is where obsessing over distribution channels comes into play.

Utilizing Multiple Digital Platforms for Maximum Exposure

The first step? Embrace multiple digital platforms.

Gone are the days when businesses could rely solely on traditional marketing methods like print ads and billboards. Today, digital marketing reigns supreme.

To maximize exposure and reach more people than ever before, consider leveraging various online platforms such as Google search (hello SEO.), YouTube videos (think tutorials or explainer videos), social media networks (Facebook Ads anyone?), and email marketing campaigns (still very much alive and kicking).

Expanding Target Audience Through Broader Personas

Moving on to our next secret ingredient: broader personas.

Rather than focusing only on specific segments within your market niche, why not expand your target audience by creating broader personas?

This approach allows you to reach a larger pool of potential customers while still maintaining focus on conversions.

Broaden your reach beyond just marketing managers at small companies; look into other potential customers such as CEOs or business owners who could benefit from what you offer.

Actionable Tips for Obsessing Over Distribution Channels

  • Tip #1: Conduct thorough research on each platform before diving in. Understand the demographics and preferences of users on different channels so that you can tailor your content accordingly.
  • Tip #2: Don't spread yourself too thin. Focus on mastering one or two platforms first before expanding into others. Construct a strong base and accumulate precious data that will be of use when making choices later.
  • Tip #3: Test and iterate. Regularly analyze the performance of your campaigns across various channels using tools like Google Analytics or HubSpot's own analytics dashboard. Use these insights to optimize and improve over time.
  • Tip #4: Create compelling content tailored specifically for each channel - from eye-catching visuals for Instagram posts to informative blog articles optimized for search engines. Remember: quality trumps quantity.

In conclusion, obsessing over distribution channels is an essential growth hack used by HubSpot that can propel any small company towards achieving its goals with limited internal resources.

If you put your mind to it, success is within reach.

Key Takeaway: 

Obsessing over distribution channels is crucial for any business's success. Utilizing multiple digital platforms, expanding target audience through broader personas, and creating compelling content tailored specifically for each channel are actionable tips to maximize exposure and reach more potential customers. Remember: quality trumps quantity.

FAQs in Relation to Growth Hacks Hubspot

Growth Hacks for Startups

Startups can benefit from growth hacks such as offering free trials or freemium models to attract users, utilizing multiple digital platforms for maximum exposure, and continuously improving the product to increase customer satisfaction. Focusing on exceptional customer service and expanding target audiences through broader personas can also drive significant growth.

Becoming a Skilled Growth Hacker

To become a skilled growth hacker, it is important to understand your target audience's needs and preferences. Continuously test new strategies while analyzing data to measure their effectiveness. Stay updated with industry trends and learn from successful case studies. Develop expertise in various marketing channels such as SEO, social media, email marketing, content creation, and analytics tools.

Growth Hacker Salaries

The salary of a growth hacker varies depending on factors such as experience level, location, company size, and industry sector. In the UK market, an entry-level Growth Hacker may earn around £35k per year while experienced professionals could command salaries upwards of £60k per year. (Source: Glassdoor)


Growth Hacks from HubSpot offers a variety of strategies and methodologies for small companies to achieve their growth targets with limited internal resources. By disrupting the status quo with innovative solutions, investing in customer happiness, embracing product-led growth, and obsessing over distribution channels, companies can attract early adopters and build loyalty among customers.

By implementing these tactics effectively, businesses can expand their target audience through broader personas while utilizing multiple digital platforms for maximum exposure. If you're looking to grow your business using HubSpot's proven techniques, contact Project today to learn more about how we can help!

Ready to take your business to the next level? Contact Whitehat today for expert guidance on implementing a  Growth Hacking approach into your marketing strategy.