Whitehat Inbound Marketing Agency Blog

Technical SEO: Revamping Your Site's Performance

Written by Clwyd Probert | 09-10-2023

Mastering technical SEO is a challenging yet rewarding journey. The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and staying ahead requires constant learning and adaptation. Technical SEO plays a pivotal role in this process. It's the backbone of your website's visibility on search engines.

Failing to optimise it can lead to poor indexing, low site traffic, and ultimately, reduced conversions. But don't fret! We're here to guide you through the intricacies of technical SEO.

You'll learn how it affects your site’s performance and discover strategies for optimizing crawl budget, implementing HTTPS redirects, auditing speed, and more.

Table of Contents:


Optimising Crawl Budget: A Cornerstone of Technical SEO



The technical aspects of SEO often seem like a complex maze. However, one element that stands out in its importance is the optimization of your website's crawl budget. It's all about making sure search engines can efficiently navigate and index your site.

Duplicate Content: The Hidden Drain On Your Resources

Duplicate content poses an unseen threat to your website's technical SEO standing as it forces crawlers to expend resources unnecessarily. Screaming Frog's SEO Spider and Google Search Console are valuable tools for identifying such duplications. Once found, these duplicates should be removed or canonical tags implemented pointing towards original page versions, thereby preserving link equity while optimising crawler efficiency.

Avoiding long redirect chains forms another key aspect within a comprehensive strategy to improve crawl budget utilisation since each redirection consumes additional crawler resources besides potentially creating confusion amongst users.

Ahrefs' Site Audit tool provides excellent support when trying to identify problematic redirect chains so they can be corrected promptly, ensuring smoother transitions for both human visitors along automated web spiders alike.

Tackling Orphaned Pages: Enhancing Visibility And User Experience Through Internal Linking

An orphaned page represents a missed opportunity from multiple perspectives, including UX (User Experience) considerations alongside wasted potential in terms of enhancing overall site architecture due to effective internal linking practices.

This issue is rectified through regular audits using sophisticated software solutions such as DeepCrawl, enabling the identification of isolated pages followed by the creation of relevant links leading to them, thus aiding navigation while also distributing link equity evenly across the entire domain, significantly contributing to positive ranking factor evaluations conducted by major search engines.


Curtailing Infinite Spaces Creation: Preserving Crawler Resources With Effective Coding Practices

Infinite spaces refer to areas where URLs generate dynamically without end - usually resulting from faulty coding implementations. To resolve this issue, web developers must ensure that proper constraints are applied during URL generation. By implementing safety measures within the coding structure, infinite spaces can be prevented, thus preserving vital crawler resources and maintaining the overall integrity of the site's technical SEO.

Key Takeaway: 

Technical SEO is not as daunting as it seems. Boost your site's performance by optimising the crawl budget, removing duplicate content, avoiding redirect chains, and tackling orphaned pages. Remember to preserve crawler resources with effective coding practices against infinite spaces.

Implementing 301 Redirects from HTTP to HTTPS Pages: A Key Component of Technical SEO

The migration from HTTP to HTTPS is not just a matter of improving website security. It's also an integral part of technical SEO, providing secure browsing for users and helping preserve link equity - both crucial factors in SERP rankings. The implementation process involves setting up 301 redirects.

A Deeper Look into the Importance of 301 Redirects

A permanent redirection or '301 redirect', plays a critical role when migrating your site from HTTP to HTTPS. This method seamlessly directs any visitor who clicks on an old HTTP link or types it directly into their browser, onto the new HTTPS version instead.

This technique does more than provide convenience; it safeguards your page ranking accumulated over time against loss during migration and prevents potential confusion among visitors caused by error messages replacing expected content.


Step-by-step Guide To Implementing Your Own Http-to-Https Redirection Using 301 Method:

  • Determine Current Status: Verify if some pages are already using the HTTPS protocol before starting this transition through tools like Google Search Console or Bing Webmaster Tools.
  • Purchase SSL Certificate: Purchase and install an SSL certificate onto your server, which makes HTTPS possible for your domain.
  • Add HTTPS Version In GSC & BWT: Add all versions (www/non-www) under the HTTPS scheme within both Google Search Console (GSC) as well as Bing Webmaster Tools (BWT).
  • Create A Full Backup: Create a full backup prior to making changes, providing a safety net against unforeseen errors.
  • Update Internal Links: Update internal links across the entire site so they point to their respective HTTPS counterparts rather than relying solely on automatic redirection via .htaccess file modifications, thus reducing load times associated with multiple requests generated by redirect chains.

In addition, there are other considerations such as updating canonical tags, sitemaps, etc. 

Key Takeaway: 

Switching your site from HTTP to HTTPS isn't just about security; it's a key part of technical SEO. It ensures safe browsing, preserves link equity, and aids in SERP rankings. The process involves 301 redirects, SSL certificate installation, updating internal links, and more.


Auditing Website Speed

Website speed is an essential element in a full-scale SEO plan, with significant consequences for user experience and web search engine positioning. A sluggish website can increase bounce rates, reduce dwell time, and lead to poor overall user satisfaction - all factors that Google considers when ranking websites.

Google's research has shown that if page load time increases from one second to three seconds, the probability of users bouncing off your site increases by 32%. Therefore, it is imperative for marketers and webmasters alike to regularly audit their website's speed to ensure optimal performance from a technical SEO standpoint.

The Significance of Website Speed in Technical SEO

Your webpage loading times not only impact the quality of visitor experiences but also influence visibility within SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). Slow-loading sites are not favoured as much during organic searches since algorithms prioritize faster pages. This means slower sites get pushed down in search results, adversely impacting traffic.

In fact, Google officially lists site speed as a ranking factor. Therefore, optimising for fast loading speeds should be an integral part of any effective technical optimisation efforts aimed at boosting online presence through improved SERP positioning.


Tools Beneficial During Site Speed Audits

  • Necessity For Tools:

    To effectively gauge how well your site performs in terms of load times, various tools prove useful by offering insights into potential areas requiring improvements. These tools aid in formulating more targeted strategies that address specific issues identified during audits.

  • Suggested Tools:
    • Analysing using Google PageSpeed Insights: It provides both mobile and desktop analysis, along with recommendations for improving performance.
Revamp your site's performance with technical SEO. Optimise load times to enhance user experience and boost SERP rankings. Remember, a 1-3 second increase in page load time can spike bounce rates by 32%. #SEO #WebsiteSpeed Click to Tweet

Google's Rendering of JavaScript Content: An Essential Aspect of Technical SEO

The use of dynamic web design techniques such as JavaScript has become more widespread. This evolution necessitates a reassessment and optimisation of how search engine bots like Google render this type of content for effective crawling and indexing.

Javascript in Today's Web Design Landscape

In today's digital world, JavaScript plays an instrumental role in modern web development, powering everything from form submissions to animations and asynchronous loading. However, these features can present challenges when it comes to technical SEO if not properly managed due to their complexity, which might pose difficulties for some search engines during the crawling phase.

  1. Avoiding Blocking Critical Resources: To accurately parse your webpage structure and its contents, all critical resources should be made available. Be sure none are blocked via the robots.txt file or else you risk missing out on valuable information being indexed by Googlebot.
  2. Leveraging Progressive Enhancement Techniques: Building basic functionality first and then layering advanced functionalities later only enhances user experience without hampering accessibility, ensuring that even if JavaScript fails, users still get essential content and functionality.
  3. Serving Static HTML When Possible: If certain parts don't require interactivity provided through JS scripts, consider using plain HTML instead. Static pages tend to be easier to crawl and index efficiently, thus improving overall site performance from both users and search engines' perspectives.

Polyfills And Transcompilation For Older Browsers Support:

 Optimise JavaScript rendering for effective crawling and indexing, ensure critical resources aren't blocked, and use static HTML when possible. #SEO #WebDevelopment Click to Tweet

Revamping Your Site's Performance with Technical SEO

Learn to optimise the crawl budget, implement HTTPS redirects, audit speed, and more in our guide.

Reducing Page Size & Increasing Load Speed: A Key to SEO Success

The speed at which a webpage loads is significantly influenced by its size. Optimising loading speeds, user experience, and SEO rankings can be achieved by reducing page size - a priority for any website. This can be achieved through various strategies, including minimizing HTTP requests or using open-source bundlers.

Tactics for Reducing Page Size

A critical component in the optimisation of technical SEO involves employing effective tactics that result in reduced overall page sizes. One common tactic includes compressing images before they are uploaded onto your website. Although high-resolution images may seem visually appealing, they consume significant bandwidth, resulting in slower load times.

You could utilize tools like TinyPNG or Compressor.io, both designed specifically for efficient image compression without compromising quality. Another useful strategy involves minifying CSS and JavaScript files; this process removes unnecessary characters from these scripts (like white spaces), effectively shrinking their file sizes. Tools such as Google's Minify Resources toolset offer easy-to-use solutions for script minification.

Better Loading Speeds with Smaller Page Sizes

In addition to simply decreasing the physical data quantities within webpages, there exist other techniques capable of improving loading speeds from a technical SEO standpoint. An example is leveraging browser caching - allowing repeat visitors' browsers to store copies of static content, thus speeding up subsequent visits.

This method reduces server lag since fewer HTTP requests need to be made each time a visitor returns; whether implemented via plugins in WordPress or manually set up in the .htaccess file for Apache servers, following guides available online (e.g., Varvy Pagespeed Guide: Leverage Browser Caching).



Leveraging Open Source Bundler For Enhanced Performance

Utilizing Open Source Bundler for Technical SEO

In the realm of technical SEO, an open-source bundler is a powerful tool used in the development process. Its primary function is to optimise code delivery, which significantly enhances overall site performance.

Demystifying Open Source Bundlers

The intricate web that forms your website consists of multiple files including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and images. Each file contributes to your website's total size and can impact its load time negatively. An open-source bundler like Webpack functions by taking these separate files and merging them into one or more bundled assets that are smaller in size.

This consolidation reduces the number of HTTP requests made by a browser when loading your webpage, resulting in faster load times - enhancing user experience, a critical ranking factor for search engines such as Google from a technical SEO standpoint.

Gleaning Benefits with Open Source Bundlers

Apart from minimizing HTTP requests and improving page speed, using an open-source bundler offers several other benefits:

  1. Code Optimisation: The bundles not only combine but also minify code, making it compact and further reducing file sizes.
  2. Simplified Development Process: Features like hot module replacement (HMR) allow developers to make changes without having to reload entire pages, thereby saving valuable time during development.
  3. Treeshaking Capabilities: This feature eliminates unused code from final bundles, boosting efficiency even further.

Besides Webpack mentioned earlier, there are numerous popular options available such as Parcel and Rollup, each offering unique features tailored towards different needs. Therefore, choosing wisely based on specific requirements becomes crucial for both developers and site owners alike.


FAQs in Relation to Technical Seo

What is technical SEO?

Technical SEO refers to optimising your website for the crawling and indexing phase, with the goal of improving organic rankings. It involves aspects like site speed, mobile optimization, XML sitemaps, and more.

What are the technical SEO techniques?

Key technical SEO techniques include optimising the crawl budget, implementing HTTPS redirects, auditing website speed, ensuring Google can render JavaScript content, and reducing page size to increase load speed.

Is technical SEO worth it?

Absolutely. Technical SEO lays the groundwork for search engines to understand your site better, which can significantly improve your visibility in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

What is good technical SEO?

A well-executed technical SEO ensures that a website loads quickly and is easy to navigate on all devices - particularly mobiles - has no dead links or pages, and provides secure browsing via HTTPS.



Technical SEO is the backbone of your website's performance. It can make or break your site's visibility on search engines.

You've now learned how to optimise the crawl budget, implement HTTPS redirects, and audit speed for better results.

Mastering these aspects of technical SEO can help you avoid poor indexing and low traffic, ultimately leading to improved conversions.

We also discussed the importance of Google being able to render JavaScript content effectively. This ensures that dynamic rendering techniques do not hinder crawling and indexing by search engine bots.

In addition, we covered strategies for reducing page size, which directly impacts load time - a critical factor in user experience and SEO rankings.

An open-source bundler was introduced as an effective tool during the development process aimed at optimizing code delivery, thus enhancing overall site performance - a key aspect when considering technical SEO efforts.

Ready to revamp your website's performance with technical SEO? Whitehat offers expert inbound marketing services designed to boost your online presence through strategic optimization tactics like those discussed above. Contact us today! Let us help you elevate your digital strategy.