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This Map Shows the Top 10 Countries with Most Facebook Users in Europe

Where In Europe You Can Best Use Facebook for Business

Facebook has a myriad of marketing features available to businesses whilst dynamic video re-targeting campaigns from YouTube is highly effective as well. A picture can paint a thousand words on Instagram whilst LinkedIn is a great place to build business connections.

But, do you know that Facebook continues to dominate around the world? With over 1.69 billion users, 395 million Facebook subscribers are from Europe as of January 2020. And, it turns out that 59% of entrepreneurs use Facebook for advertising to create brand awareness and boost their business.

So, this awesome map can show you the Top 10 countries in Europe with the most Facebook users. Using this data can be your ultimate guide in choosing a perfect social media marketing strategy for your online campaign.




1. United Kingdom

Using smartphones is one of the top reasons why most businesses dive into new marketing techniques if they want to get noticed. And, it transformed the way we market and shop.

In the UK, Facebook is the most favoured social media platform with over 44 million users or 94.7% of the UK’s total population.

So, if your competitor is using Facebook to reach out to customers and you are not, then, you are missing out.


2. France

Even though the French population is actively discouraged from using social media, France lands second on the list with over 33 million users. Despite its huge number, most French companies prefer using Video and LinkedIn for their business growth.


3. Germany

Planning to do social media marketing is a great way to reach consumers and end customers. That is why Facebook is still the most popular social network in Germany. With over 31 million users, Facebook marketing is your best bet. But, don’t always expect to get the same results from your social media campaigns as in other markets. Note that Germans continue to be reluctant to use Facebook.


4. Italy

The number of social media users in Italy has trebled over the last few years. Italy has recorded a total Facebook users of over 30 million or half of its population. 59% of Italian SMEs say that they have increased sales because of Facebook.

Taking this scenario into account, this only explains that Facebook is the right platform for marketing in Italy.


5. Spain

In Spain, Facebook is not the most frequently used social network although 91% of its population have a Facebook Profile. Based on the data, WhatsApp is the most frequently accessed social media platform. But, this Spanish country still has a total Facebook user of over 23 million.


6. Poland

Facebook is also the top social media network in Poland like any other countries are. It has over 14 million Facebook users. But, most of it is in the 16-24 age range. These statistics only show that marketers may have a hard time targeting the right audience. So, it would be ideal to use Nasza-Klasa if you want to reach out to consumers in Poland.


7. Russia

Russia has a total population of more than 143 million. But, there are only around 13 million Facebook users. Unsurprisingly, the most preferred social media site by the Russians is the Vkontakte with over 90 million subscribers.


8. Netherlands

Every country's trends differ, and one way to learn more about a country’s platform is by studying its statistics. Just like in the Netherlands, it has nearly 10 million Facebook subscribers. But, the survey says that Dutch people prefer using WhatsApp for business purposes.


9. Ukraine

Facebook accounts in Ukraine continue to surge every year after Russia’s Vkontakte was prohibited in the country. There were more than 9.5 million Ukrainians subscribed to Facebook. It looks like Ukrainian businesses should take advantage of using Facebook marketing.


10. Romania

The last but not the least, Romania lands at number 10 as the European country with the most Facebook users by population. Data says that Facebook users in Romania nearly reached 10 million. This covers more than half of the total population of Romania.

According to reports, 91% of companies say that using social media like Facebook provides a competitive advantage. Also, 53% of respondents say that they generate sales opportunities using this social network.


How Europeans Can Use Facebook for Businesses

Independent retailers are booming in the UK whilst large businesses are struggling on the high street. So, how can you use Facebook to stand out from the crowd?


Be active and visible on Facebook

Now that you know how Facebook is being used in every European country, all you need is to have an active presence.

Look for Facebook platforms where you can find your potential audience and engage with them. This could be the answer to their queries.

Or perhaps, they are just waiting for you to promote sales and special offers. So, stand and shout about it.


Encourage customer loyalty

Loyalty schemes are a great way to help you learn more about your customers. Let them sign up on your e-commerce platform via email.

Then, reward your customers with points for particular actions such as promoting your business in Facebook. These points can be converted to special discounts or freebies.


Keep it fresh

Give customers a reason to make a repeat visit by providing fresh content on your Facebook accounts.

Let them know what’s in your store and show some exciting new products. This content need not be promotional, it is one effective way to attract and delight them.


Key Takeaways

Facebook is ideal for increasing lead generation and enhancing brand awareness. A little more than an hour of Facebook marketing work per day can result in wider exposure and greater revenue streams.

But, keep in mind that the issue is not about whether or not a social media channel is effective. Remember, it is which social media platform you should be using. So, take the time to analyse this data shown on the map.

Choose the right Facebook marketing strategy to hit home with the right message every time.

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