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Your Business Success Can Largely Depend On Social Media Marketing

Why Is Social Media Marketing Essential To Your Success


Social media networks are growing steadily and they are providing businesses opportunities to reach out to a bigger audience.


Brands are engaging their customers and would-be customers in social media at this very moment, delighting them, gaining their likes, shares, tweets, +1s, as well as their trust, loyalty and recommendations.


Check out this featured infographic about Social Media Marketing today:


Is your Brand Present in your Market’s Social Media Space?

There are 1.79 billion social media users worldwide according to Statista. Meanwhile, comScore estimates that one in six minutes spent online is on social networks.

This statistic simply means that when people are online, they also connect via social media—giving business owners and marketers opportunities for customer reach and engagement.

Reach, Engagement, and Amplification

The more engaged your friends and followers are, the bigger your amplification factor grows. This turn results in more reach, deeper engagement, and again, bigger amplification. The social cycle goes on and on and is similar to the buying cycle: awareness, interest, desire, action, loyalty, and advocacy. Amplification, however, makes the difference as it broadcasts the advocacy to a bigger audience, amplifying the number of leads and customers you can reach and engage.

In this process, your brand recognition and value will strengthen, enabling you to get more leads and customers.

Moreover, 76% of social media users are generally in a positive mood before, during and after they participate in social networks.


Facebook remains a crucial social network to increase your business exposure in the social sphere. Facebook has more than 1.9 billion monthly active users, while seven hundred ninety-four million (794 million) users log in daily using a mobile device – according to the Facebook Investor Report.

An independent study by Pew Research says that 70% of Facebook users log on daily, and 43% of them log on several times a day. According to Syncapse, 85% of fans of brands on Facebook recommend brands to others.

Facebook, having the largest monthly active users, is seen by 74% of marketers as important to their lead generation strategies, according to HubSpot.


LinkedIn is the largest professional business network with 400 million users in 200 countries – with more than new 2 sign-ups every second. Marketers reported that they prefer to use LinkedIn for distributing B2b content. Customer acquisition on LinkedIn is at 61% for B2B and 39% for B2C according to TechCrunch.


Pew Research reported that 23% of Internet users are on Twitter, with 38% of whom use the site daily. Twitter has 320 million active users, 80% of which are active on mobile, producing 500 million tweets daily and generating 2.1 billion search queries per day, according to Tech Crunch.

More than 50% of active Twitter users follow companies, brands or products, which most likely contributed to 34% of marketers to successfully generating leads using Twitter, as stated by Business Insider.


Pinterest is a fast-growing visual social network with 100 million users, according to Venture Beat. Thirty-one per cent (31%) of adult Internet users are on Pinterest, according to a study by Pew Research.

Business Insider took a closer look and discovered that Pinterest users perform 3400 pins every minute. What’s more exciting is that 87% of Pinterest users have purchased a product they saw on Pinterest.

Social Media Influences Buying Decisions

You attract prospects for sure, but do they buy? Nielsen found out in their study that 46% of online users count on social media to make a purchase decision.

VisionCritical shared that businesses should tweak their social content based on the culture of the users within a specific network. They also need to take into consideration the category that content would likely fall under.

To make social work, you need to reach and engage your audience with custom content that is in line with the category of your business, as well as with the culture of your prospects.

Marketing Leaders and your Competitors are Using Social Media: What are You Going to Do?

We have gathered separate studies conducted by HubSpot, Social Media Examiner, and Marketing Sherpa. The following statistics are prompting many to action:

  • Ninety-two per cent (92%) said that social media marketing was important for their business.
  • Ninety-two per cent (92%) indicated that their social media efforts have generated more exposure for their business.
  • Ninety-seven per cent (97%) of marketers are currently participating in social media.
  • Seventy-two per cent (72%) of marketers are using social media to develop loyal fans.
  • Eighty per cent (80%) indicated that their social media efforts increased traffic, while 71% of media marketers are using social media to gain marketplace intelligence.

Knowing this, you must take action now before your competitors capture customers that could have been yours!

So what kind of results are you looking for in your social media marketing campaign?

Allow us to boost your business website visibility with a strategic social media marketing campaign! Fill out the form or give us a call at 020 8834 4795 to schedule a free consultation.

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